Saturday, February 7, 2015


The other day in STAC, my teacher mentioned that he wanted to do a play on Bullying at one point as a project, and perform the play down at my school district's middle school.  My idea for the play would be this: A student in middle school living with Asperger's syndrome, or a rare condition called Non-verbal learning disability (NVLD).  Why Asperger's Syndrome or NVLD ?

Asperger's syndrome, and NVLD are both disorders that cause someone to not really fit in at school.  With either of these disorders, you can't really pick up on social cues, you learn differently than most, and you get really anxious as a result, which can cause bullying, and ultimately depression, and suicide in some tragic cases for some.

Something that is not really put out there is Special Ed Bullying.  Students in Special Education get teased because of their disability by teachers, and kids on the school grounds.  Some teachers will down talk them as if they're mentally retarded, and so do kids.  The kids call the ones in Special Ed cruel names such as "Sped", and "Retard" by humiliating them behind their back, or by name calling in the hallway.

I feel like there could be a lot of material done with this if developed the right way.

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